0 items / $0.00


All payments are made with via Western Union. By transferring money online, using the Western Union App, and also a Western Union store. Western Union makes it possible to send money online 24/7, from the comfort of your own home with several fast, convenient, and safe online money transfer options.

If customer has any concerns on how to send a payment with Western Union Please visit, 


All payments are sent to

"Name: Jeffrey Brown"
"Location: Fort Lauderdale, Florida."

Once your payment is sent you will recieve a 10 digit confirmation/tracking number to verify your order.

Please send your confirmation/tracking number to our customer service through via text message so your order can be picked up and processed completely.


Please send in correct format:

1. First and Last Name

2. Confirmation/Tracking Number

3. Name of item purchased.

4. Size

5. Shipping Address

Once we have recieved your payment please allow the following producing procedures to begin so your order can be shipped successfully.

Thank you.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.